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93 results

  1. TEMPEST training


    TEMPEST training Learn how to identify threats and put in place countermeasures to combat them Eligibility To apply for these courses, you must be: a UK citizen, or citizen of...

  2. Annual Report 2020/21 highlights

    Publication to speed up the process of reviewing digital records. The team has also completed a feasibility study with HM Treasury to demonstrate how the Digital Sensitivity Review service works....

  3. UK NACE Academy


    ...offer practical skills training for government partners and agencies in technical surveillance countermeasures. Eligibility and cost See individual course pages on this website to find out the eligibility criteria and...

  4. Accessibility


    ...Compatibility with tools This website should be compatible with recent versions of the following screen readers: Jaws ZoomText NVDA VoiceOver Window Eyes Supernova screen readers Magicetc The site should also...