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97 results

  1. Our Annual Report and Accounts for 2022/23

    News Publication

    ...March 2023. FCDO Services has continued to be a strong partner to the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), providing secure and critical services that underpin the diplomatic network. We...

  2. Video conference safely

    Blog collaborate with co-workers virtually. During the past 16 months, we’ve become used to working fully online and using various video conferencing tools as a way to stay connected with...

  3. IT rapid response support

    Case Study

    When the Coronavirus pandemic hit in early 2020, travel restrictions and lockdowns were enforced around the world. The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) had to make sure British citizens...

  4. Modern slavery statement


    ...Commercial Function Commercial Capability Assessment to baseline current practices against government standards Regularly review our terms and conditions to ensure that they are relevant and in line with current legislation...

  5. Working together to get the message right

    Case Study

    ...customers on a variety of translation projects. Countering disinformation When Russia invaded Ukraine, there was an urgent need for translation work to counter disinformation from Russia. The team delivered urgent...

  6. From Berlin with love


    ...accelerated the development of technology, particularly in computing and communications. The importance of intelligence gathering throughout this era fuelled the development of such technology on both sides. Without this it’s...